Browse mineral resources


Hilton Quarry

Jones Falls Gneiss Quarries


Bare Hills Copper Mine

Nine Number 62

Weaver Stone Company Quarry

Texas Quarry Number 2

Greenspring Quarry

Jasper Pit

Joppa Road Pits

Rosedale Pit

Dyer Quarry

Campbell Quarry

South Mine and Mill

Marriottsville Quarry and Mill

Belle Grove Pit

George W. Schwartz Pit and Mill

Harry T. Campbell & Sons Pit

Chase Masonry Sand Plant

William Spiegel & Son Quarry & Plnt

Discovery Workings/Main Workings At Bare Hills District

Mccomasore Bank/Norris Ore Bank

Herman Ore Bank & 11 Additional Mines

Chew Limonite

Reddington/Vonkapff/Rice/Minebank Limonite Banks

Cross Ore Bank

The Caves Ore Banks

Oegon Ore Banks

Mase Ore Banks

Bosley & Ensor Ore Banks

Wilson Bank

Geist Ore Bank

Bare Hills Cu Mine

Weir Mine Et Al.


Bluemount Quarry and Plant

Pitcher and Creager Brick Co.Banks

Harris Mine

Hamilton Quarries

Brown Ore Banks

Brian Ore Banks

Guilford and Waltersville Quarry

Mccomas Ore Banks

George W. Schwartz Pit

August Sandusky Quarry

Lohman Ore Banks

Myers Ore Bank

Patapsco Quarry

Bok Mine

Gerst Ore Bank

Stapleton Ore Banks

Von Kapff Ore Bank

South Mine & Mill

Whitaker Ore Banks

Herman Ore Bank

Ridgely Ore Bank

Calhoun Mine

Joppa Road Pits

Reich Ore Bank

French Quarry

Zinkand Ore Bank

Kern Ore Bank

Delight Quarry

Feeney and Atherton Co. Quarries

Rice Ore Bank

Bishop Ore Bank

Wilt Quarry

Hollofield Quarries


Schmidtman Ore Bank

Townsend Ore Bank

Matthews Ore Bank

Bethke Ore Bank

Lutz Chromite Placer

Greenspring Quarry

Hofmeister Ore Bank

Jenkins Ore Bank

Cook Ore Banks

Choate Mine

Excelsior Brick and Pottery Co.Bank

Jasper Pit

Bethlehem Steel/Sparrows Point, Md.

Poplar/White Marsh

Virginia Ore Banks

Powhatan Asbestos Plant/Woodlawn Md

Cross Ore Bank

Harry T. Campbell & Sons Pit

Unnamed Mine

Dietz Quarry

Nine Mile Hill Deposit

Kahler Ore Bank

Weaver Stone Company Quarry

Jones Quarry

Pot Springs Ore Banks

Ring Ore Bank

Picnic Wood Quarries

Genstar Stone Lime Plant

Smith Ore Bank

U.F.Peach Quarries

Bare Hills Copper Mine

Triplett Placer

Coursey Ore Bank

James Peach Quarry

Ender Ore Bank

Windsor Farm Ore Bank

Bosley and Ensor Ore Banks

East Baltimore Ore Banks

William Speigel & Son Quarry

Chase Masonry Sand Pit

Ellicott Ore Bank

Gorsuch Point Mine

Gilmor Quarry

Guilford and Waltersville Quarry

National Gypsum/ Baltimore, Md.

Obrien Ore Banks

South Granite Quarries

Geist Ore Bank

Tremper Ore Banks

Leitschuh Ore Bank

James Peach Quarry

Turner Ore Banks

Reddington Ore Bank

Dolfield Placer

Westerman Ore Bank

Rittenhouse Ore Bank

Roeder Ore Bank

East Lutherville Ore Bank

Offutt Quarry

Texas Quarry

Marriottsville Quarry

Alberton Quarry

Toboll Ore Bank

Eastern Stainless Steel/Dundalk Md

Humphrey Quarry

Us Gypsum/ Baltimore, Md.

Northeast Halethorpe Ore Banks

Rider Ore Bank

Mohr Ore Bank

French Quarry

Blowhorn Ore Banks

King Ore Bank

Westport Paving Brick Company Bank

Wagonfere Ore Bank

Mase Ore Banks

Minckins Quarry

Pitcher Ore Bank

Whetstone Point Mine

Miller Ore Banks

Riemschneider Ore Bank

Randle Ore Bank

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